The skin hides what everyone can see…..#Poetry


My skin is big you see, enough room for maybe you and two to three skinny folk. It bleeds like any other surface with blood going through its veins sometimes its easy not to feel the pain. Its my protection of sorts, kinda like when we were kids and built pillow forts. As a child we used to jump on, hide under and disappear into that fluffy void. All that time wanting just to be heard without making noise. Playing tag feeling special because you couldn’t find me all this skin wrapped around all that’s meant to guide me. Into your heart, into your soul into telling stories that should and need to be told. All said and done I’m glad the skin is here because most strangers cant sense the fear.

©2015 CaesarMarques

6 thoughts on “The skin hides what everyone can see…..#Poetry

  1. There is terrific, wonderfully unrelenting phrasing here. The metaphors (similes) to childhood experiences are just right; we can imagine them with you. There is such a magnetic, aural quality in the verse. It must be read aloud. I hope you will find or set an audience to hear. Thank you!


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