What Now…#PepTalk for the New Year 

This is me. My name is Marcus.

I want to be a better person this year because I think I’d benefit from it and it may make the world a better place (you just never know). Some thoughts that have penetrated my mind, some seen on social media and some that were randomly brought to my consciousness by sounds, feelings and the universe

  1. Comparison is a form of self-violence 
  2. Adventure makes your heart smile 
  3. Love yourself as much as you love your favorite musicians, actors and actresses 
  4. You may have to go into debt to do the things your soul is calling you to do
  5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help 
  6. People are in your life for a reason, season or a lifetime. The universe will determine which
  7. People don’t care about you and what you do as much as you think 
  8. Kiss more
  9. Explore Fashion 
  10. Though they may work your nerves, cherish every day your parents being on this earth 

I hope this serves whom ever reads this and I’d like to know what you would add. Let’s make this list longer….. until the next post ✌🏽

Lightworker in training, 

Marcus Caesar/CaesarMarques 

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